Sunday, June 6, 2010

I am on Team Werewolf Bootlegger

I’m on Team Werewolf. Find out more.

First of all I love both weres and vamps but the weres just have a few perks that in my mind the vamps just cannot overcome. One is food. I mean dayumn I'd love to live forever but not being able to have food especially Bryer's Reece Cup Ice Cream. Well that would be a crying shame. And I love the beach way too much to give up the sun. And yeah I know you can go out in the ocean at night too. But there are way too many things that can eat you in the ocean for me not to want to see what is coming at me. And yeah I know vamps are immortal but I figure that if you're chewed up and swallowed then you can die just the same. And another big reason is that this one is a bootlegger and that means the booze is free. yeehaw.

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  1. For some reason I just can not get enthused by the idea of a bootlegger. Dunno, never was much of drinker.

    Lumberjack well sends my imagination flying! Hehe.. Vampire Lumberjack baby!

  2. Werewolf Bootleggers all the way.

  3. Team Lumberjack Vampire here. My little dog gets on my nerves when it hears thunder, so dealing with a werewolf when it goes ape sh!% over a full moon just doesn't sound like a fun ride. Free booze be danged.

  4. I too love both weres and vamps but when it comes down to it I'm a Team Vampire Lumberjack girl all the way.

    Stephanie G
    Paranormal Haven

  5. TEAM WEREWOLF BOOTLEGGER for the WIN!!! Awesome, just awesome! I'm a rather large fan of the sun as well and you know what? Nothing can beat a man with a hot bod on a suit...just waiting for you to peel away those layers and get to all that warm skin underneath! ;)

  6. For the sake of sides, I have to go Team Vampire Lumberjack. Nothing says sexy like a man jacking some lumber. (Ohhh the images.)
    No promises but I might reconsider with the right incentive. SKIN! :)
    I can't wait to add both of these to my collection!

  7. I am a Team Vampire Lumberjack girl all the way!!

  8. Sexy vamps make me breathless. Definitely Team Vampire Lumberjack!!!

  9. I come from a long line of lumberjacks. I'll take the family biz and some pesky soul issues over the uncontrolled furry and controlled substances.
    Go Team Vampire Lumberjack!

  10. A new team, a civil war, a revolution!!!
    Team Werevamp Wolfjack
    YES!!! I agree I want both too, yeah, the start of a new revolution, I'd love to be in the middle between these two sexy men, a new team. I'm with you, team Werevamp wolfjack, or Werevamp Lumberwolf or Werevamp Jackwolf how does that sound? I like the first or second one best.
    I had just started to post the following on some of the blogs starting with Blackravens.
    I can be a trouble maker, I want both, shame on me huh,blame it on some really good posts numbering the wolf advantage of being able to be out at all times of the day and the fact that he's warm and really alive and can share a real meal of food. Although the wolfie can take care of me 24/7 and the vamp can only manage about half,he's still strong, mustled and sexy as hell, maybe they won't mind sharing, I wouldn't mind it. After all why can't I have my cake and eat it too.
    Hope everyone doesn't want to stake me out but I really want both.
    Viva le revolution, for those that to switch to both, come join us, make your voice heard. This is a war after all!!

  11. Team Vampire Lumberjack all the way!
    Yes there is something about the bad boy bootleggers, but I come from a family who didn't handle alcohol the best. I would much rather have the dark and brooding lumberjack to deal with, besides they look good wielding an ax!

  12. Can't wait to read both of these stories, but have to go with my first love, shifters. Go Team Werewolf.

  13. Team werewolf bootlegger. Nice to be able to see a guy at lunchtime.

  14. I have to go with Team Vampire Lumberjack darling. I have a list of perks you forgot about.
    1. You don’t have to worry about cooking a meal for him.
    2. You don’t have to clean up behind the meal.
    3. The "inside" is what counts.
    4. He takes the notion of "experience" to another level- think of tricks he knows.
    5. Willing to let someone else dominate..Not the major “alpha male” tendency to make you submit. (not that that is always a bad
    6. Great to have around in the summer.
    7. Telepathy …no need to use the phone.
    8. Telepathy… don’t have to worry about someone overhearing your sex
    9. Telepathy…the visual images he could send…*shivers
    10. Doesn’t need to breathe while kissing…ummm certain

  15. I have to go with Team Vampire Lumberjack darling. I have a list of Perks you forgot about.
    1. You don’t have to worry about cooking a meal for him.
    2. You don’t have to clean up behind the meal.
    3. "Inside" counts with
    4. He takes "experience" to the next level...just think of the tricks he knows.
    5. Willing to let someone else dominate..Not the major “alpha male” tendency to make you submit. (not that that is always a bad
    6. Great to have around in the summer.
    7. Telepathy …no need to use the phone.
    8. Telepathy… don’t have to worry about someone overhearing your sex
    9. Telepathy…the visual images he could send…*shivers
    10. Doesn’t need to breathe while kissing…ummm certain

  16. Team Werewolf for me! Howling seems kind of sexy! Booze and full moons! what's not to love?

  17. Bryer's Reece Cup Ice Cream! Way to get a girl's sweet tooth going. >_< But an excellent point in the Werewolf vs. Vampire battle.

    Werewolf Bootleggers for the win!

  18. "Bryer's Reece Cup Ice Cream" - yummm. now who would want to miss out on that? points for the vamps! -team swiss

  19. Exactly, free booze is a big selling point. Plus a warm blooded werewolf is sexier than a cold, dead vampire.

    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  20. Team Werewolf over here! I love sexy, bad boy werewolves. Also, we would make cute werewolf babies together =)

  21. If I HAVE to choose... Vampire Lumberjack for me please :-D

  22. Well thats a hard choice for me, but going to go with team vampire lumberjack.

    Pam S

  23. Go Team Vampire Lumberjack! What can I say I'm a sucker for the fangs. (Pun intended)

  24. I love peanut butter and chocolate ice cream! During those winter months, would we be able to make it to the parlor in time? I can see all sorts of angry happening if I had a vamp boyfriend. NO! I won't let that happen! I must vote Team Werewolf Bootlegger!
