Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lisa Renee Jones: Sterling Guest Post and Giveaway

With the end of October, I am still thinking about ghosts and in THE STORM THAT IS STERLING – Sterling is a tormented hero with a few ghosts of his own – the kind you can’t escape but leaving a haunted house!

The Storm That is Sterling

Sterling Jeter has remarkable powers and has shown himself

to be just about indestructible. But beautiful, brilliant Rebecca

Burns knows that even a Super Soldier needs comfort, and so

much more…

But she can see that deep down,

he’s just a man…

Sterling and Rebecca’s teenage romance was interrupted,

but years later the heat between them flares back to life.

Even though it endangers everything they’re fighting for, it’s

impossible to resist picking up right where they left off…

Read an extra excerpt HERE:

So with Sterling’s ghost in mind ….do you have one of your own?

Many of my stories have paranormal elements, and certainly my Vampire Wardens have Vampires and Werewolves. A few of my other books, like Beast of Darkness, deal with ghosts and demons. Even in a fictional world I find those creatures from otherworlds scarier than those different beings from our world. Perhaps, because a ghost or a demon, seem so possible. My DH has a couple really freaky ghost stories. One where he was frozen and unable to move while staying in a haunted place. That same night, his buddy got scared and went to the house next door. Everyone with DH thought he came back. They SAW him. He didn’t. The entire story is creepy and will give me chills every time I hear it.

As for my own ghost story? My ex’s parents lived on a country property in North Carolina. When we first moved there we spent a month living with them while we found a home. The place was spooky and it was said the prior owner died there and stayed around. One night I was in the basement that was converted to an apartment and my ex and his parents went on errands. I heard footsteps walking across the living room and rushed upstairs to welcome them home. They weren’t there. I sat on the corner of the couch and stared at the room, unmoving, no television on, for the next thirty minutes until everyone got home. I was scared to death from that point on in that house.

So tell me your scary story for a chance to win a goodie bag of books and bath and body shop goodies!


  1. I was home alone when I heard footsteps coming sown the attic steps, through the back bedroom and down to the kitchen.

    Thinking a family member came home without me knowing, I went downstairs to investigate -- no one was in the house except ME.

  2. As I was hanging fresh laundry in the closet, I heard footsteps coming down the attic steps, through the back bedroom and down to the kitchen.

    Since I was supposed to be home alone, I went down to investigate; I thought a family member had come home without me being aware of that fact.

    The only in in the house was ME.

  3. My husband and I spent the night at hotel a couple of years ago after going out of town for a concert. In the middle of the night, my husband woke up because someone was brushing their hand across his forehead. He thought it was me but I was fast asleep at the time. Two hours later, we both woke up because something was hitting the foot of the bed and there was no one there. We checked out of that hotel shortly afterwards and no one had an explanation for what we had experienced.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  4. Great post!! Don't enter me in the giveaway.


  5. My husband and I went to visit his grandmother. His grandfather had passed away not too long before our visit. We slept upstairs in his grandfather's room. I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw his grandfather standing over the bed looking down at me. Scared the bejesus out of me. Needless to say, I didn't go back to sleep.

  6. When I was in college, in central Virginia, a group of us went out to on of those deserted old farm houses that is just a gray wood shell. After the requisite ghost story of the property (civil war soldier etc) there were sounds of footsteps upstairs. Of course, it was one of our group, right? Nope, the only one missing was outside - we could see him thru the window.

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  7. True paranormal tales can creep a lot of people out - I get the willies if I am reading about them. But, I am the one that people call when their house is haunted, if they think it's haunted, or they need validation. I HATE being touched by beings that I can't see. And I especially despise the "cold spots" - makes my skin crawl when I realize that I've "walked through someone".

  8. THE STORM THAT IS STERLING sounds great.
    I don't have any ghost stories.
    chey127 at hotmail dot com

  9. Congrats on your new release! It sounds awesome! I have a ton of ghost stories. When i was younger, i used to be plagued by these horrible nightmares with this demon in it. Everynight, i dreamt about him torturing my family, me, etc...In my dreams, he always came out of my closet. Now, in my old room, the closet is a walk-in with two doors that opened out. Everynight when i went to bed, i pushed a recliner chair infront of the doors and every morning the chair was moved to other side of the room and the doors were wide open. Ive also and a knife thrown at me, glass in my kitchen just shatter, ive heard people walk around when know one was home. (A few times ive thought someone broke in.) Ive also seen a little boy. Ive had 'something' sit next to me in bed, something tap on my wall next to my bed. Open doors, turn things on and off, unplug things, etc... I could go on and on. I definitely dont have Casper here. Whatever is here isnt the friendliest of ghost. When my grandfather was living with us, the ghost would lock him in his room, pull the covers off his bed, pull on him, ect. Thanks for sharing and congrats!

  10. Ruth I know that feeling. Oh do I. It's like your heart is in your throat.

    Oh my gosh Jennifer! Where was this hotel? You have to email me and tell me. Dh will want to go lol -- He is crazy like that!

    Joanne --no I wouldn't either but I have heard stories like this. It's suppose to be the ghost trying to comfort you but it never feels really comforting

    DJ civil war locations are scary. They have so much death attached. There are a lot of hauntings in Colorado because there were things build on Indian burial grounds. WHY would they do that?

    Jacki and Chey-- thanks for stopping by:)

  11. Well, this isn't a scary story, but this IS a ghost story:
    My grandmother's brother used to live nearby, he visited us at least twice a day with his cat -who followed him everywhere- and in order to come here he had to walk past our cousins' summer cottage. He also hated dogs, for some reason. Eventually he died and his cat had to be put down. Now, some years later my cousins who own the cottage told that their son had this imaginary friend, an old man who hates dogs, who has a cat and who passes the cottage with his cat couple of times a day in order to visit my home. They claimed, they hadn't told anything to their son about the old man who used to live near by.

  12. Well, this isn't a scary story, but this IS a ghost story:
    My grandmother's brother used to live nearby, he visited us at least twice a day with his cat -who followed him everywhere- and in order to come here he had to walk past our cousins' summer cottage. He also hated dogs, for some reason. Eventually he died and his cat had to be put down. Now, some years later my cousins who own the cottage told that their son had this imaginary friend, an old man who hates dogs, who has a cat and who passes the cottage with his cat couple of times a day in order to visit my home. They claimed, they hadn't told anything to their son about the old man who used to live near by.

  13. me i m not afraid of any thing except bugs i been to Elvis mansion and he walks around and mingle with other and then Loretta place in Tenn there were a lot of ghost but i have live in house were they came and visit i had a old house and the ghost ask doe the dog have to lay there she was the owner of the house and my lab sleep on the porch and she would have t walk over him every night
    it was fun

  14. ghost i like them and like to talk to them while in Tenn i seen allot of t em Elvis at his place Loretta place and then at the grand old opera es i have pic i was at the show and gransdpa jone was pinching one of the girl butt and then she look at the steel guitar an s told him to quit and i took the pic and showed them i seen him in window while we are at the pub across the street so i am not afraid of ghost

  15. I don't have a ghost story just a bigfoot story.
    seawitchreviews @

  16. We had a ghost in our old place that I always had the feeling he was playing a joke but he scared the sh*t out of me. Though he never did it again. What happened was I was taking a shower when suddenly I saw a face that looked like it was painted and since I wasn't expecting it - it completely freaked me out.


  17. Congrats on the book I .okenice ghost strories but I have see any .

    Kim h
