Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Guest Post and Giveaway by Lisa Renee Jones

Hi everyone!

I’m so excited to talk about IF I WERE YOU. Have you read it? Did you like it? I would enjoy hearing your thoughts. And if you haven’t read it -- I hope I can entice you today with a sexy excerpt and a little about the story!

First, a little about the story behind the story. This is a story that was inspired when my DH use to buy and sell storage units long before the television shows. He found a journal and couldn’t stop reading. He insisted I had to write a story with a journal found in a storage unit as the focus. I resisted but over time he wore me down and the story and characters began to slowly nag me as much as he did to get to writing!:)

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book. Just comment and tell me your thoughts for your chance to win a $10 gift card to the retailer of your choice and a Yankee candle!

Also want to win $200? I have a cool announcement and contest!

If you haven’t heard yet to celebrate the release of IF I WERE YOU I’ve partnered with Tokii the first ever self-help relationship management platform, specifically designed to deepen and strengthen all types of relationships—to create an interactive game based on her sexy novel. The game will allow couples to discover each other’s innermost desires and fantasies in a fun new way! Lisa will also be giving away a $200 Amazon gift card via THE GAME at the Tokii website.


Rounding the corner, I enter the hallway, and Chris is suddenly there in the narrow passage with me, pressing me against the wall, his powerful thighs framing mine.

My hand goes instinctively to his t-shirt-clad chest. I am immediately aware of the intimacy of the touch, of my body’s reaction to the man who has betrayed me. “Don’t shove me against another wall and try to intimidate me, Chris.”

“I’m not trying to intimidate you. I was protecting you, Sara.” His hands move to my waist, scorching me, and my reaction to the sizzling touch is instant. I cover his hands with mine, trying to control what he does next, but it doesn’t help. Now, my hands are on his hands and his hands are on my body.

“Call it what you want,” I ground out, “but you had no right to do what you did.”

“He had to know he couldn’t manipulate your dream. Money, and my many resources at your disposal, does that.”

His words knock my anger and my breath away, and confusion consumes me. His actions and his words conflict at every turn. “Why would you help me? You said I don’t belong in this world.”

“Because I won’t watch him gobble you up and destroy you.”

I remember his words, and understand now that he wanted me out of this gallery, not this profession. “Because he’s a dark, messed up, arrogant asshole who will play with my mind and use me until there is nothing else left of me I recognize.”

“That’s right.”

“And yet you say you’re worse.”

He stiffens and cuts his gaze, seeming to struggle before fixing me in a turbulent stare. “I am, Sara, which is why you should run as far away from me as you can. And I should step back and let you.”

“Then why aren’t you?” I whisper.

His eyes hold mine, and what I see there, the depth of his desire, overwhelms me. He flattens his palm on my belly and I tremble beneath the touch, and he has to feel it too. “Because,” his voice low, seductive, his hand traveling up the center of my body, “I can’t stop thinking about you, and everything I want to do to you, everywhere I want to touch you.”

His hand presses to the swell between my breasts, and my nipples ache with a wish he would touch them. His boldness ignites something sultry and dark inside me, a side of me that defies the good-girl school teacher who is appalled I haven’t stopped this. I want him. I want him here and now, and any way I can have him.

And when his gaze lowers to my mouth and lingers, I know he is thinking about kissing me and I have never wanted to be kissed so badly in my life.

“Do you taste as good as I think you do?” he asks, but he doesn’t wait for my reply.

Suddenly, his fingers have tunneled into my hair and he’s dragging my mouth to his. I am all soft submission, yielding to the moment, to the man. I melt into him, welcome the hardness of his body pressed to mine. And when his tongue presses past my lips, a long, wicked caress, I taste his hunger, his need. There is possessiveness to his kiss, to his hand on my back, molding me closer. I am lost in the ache that has become my need for this man, this stranger I cannot resist. He says he’s protecting me; he says he’s dangerous. I am conflicted, and sure I should be angry with him, but I am completely incapable and unable of processing why.

About the book...

He is rich and famous, and dark in ways I shouldn’t find intriguing, but I do. I so do. I don’t understand why his dark side appeals to me, but the attraction between us is rich with velvety promises of satisfaction. Chris is dark, and so are his desires, but I cannot turn away. He is damaged beneath his confident good looks and need for control, and in some way, I feel he needs me. I need him.


…. I was enthralled from the moment I picked up the book.

….I devoured this book

….I loved it, loved it, loved it!!! I can’t wait for the next book to come out!!! Two thumbs up!!

….Sexy, enchanting, and mysterious are the best words to describe the characters and this story. If I Were You is an extremely suspenseful, captivating story.

….My, my I loved this book!

Want autographed goodies?

Send postage and your shipping information to the following address:

10623 Ouray Creek point Colorado Springs, CO 80909

You will receive bookmarks and special journal of Sara’s thoughts.


  1. Sales for If I Were You are through the roof, so happy for you, Lisa.


  2. I loved this story and cannot wait for the next book in the trilogy.

  3. I enjoyed reading this and cant wait to the next one comes out.Thanks for all the awesome contests too :)

  4. I ordered book via iBooks, now I need to figure out how to get it downloaded to iPhone or my Kindle Fire.

  5. Awesome book!!!! I hate that I have to wait for more!!!!

  6. Awesome book!!!! I hate that I have to wait for more!!!!

  7. Congrats Lisa on a great book!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Sounds like a good book.


  10. That was an awesome excerpt!! I was feeling it right along with her. Wow!
    Thank you for sharing.
    I will be reading this one soon. ;)
    trb0917 at gmail.com

  11. Great post. Congrats on the successful release!

  12. These except are barley restraing me til tomorrow when I will ne able to buy this book. Gosh so hot and just awesome sounding. Thank you for that Lil taste and this chance.

  13. I LOVED this book! The only downside is waiting until February for book 2!

  14. Congrats Lisa on a great book!!

    Lori Fenn

  15. Wow this sounds like a really great book! Love the idea for the story! :)

  16. I love all your books I can hardly wait till the next one is out

  17. This was my first book of yours and, WOW! You have me hooked! I would not compare your story to 50; yours is so much more entertaining and captivating.

  18. This was my first book of yours and WOW! I am hooked! Can't wait for book 2

  19. I love the excerpt! I haven't read the book yet, but have already bought my copy. My schedule is super busy right now, but as soon as I have time this is the first book I'm curling up to. Thanks for this giveaway!


  20. I'm at 75% right now, and loving it!!!

  21. I have not read the book yet. But can't wait to get my hands on it. It is added to my wish list. I'm going to need another bookself for all my new books. Thanks for the great give away. Muffy

  22. Love the excerpt! I haven't read this book yet, but have already bought my copy. My schedule is super busy right now so I don't have time to read. However, as soon as I have the time this is the first book I'm curling up to! Thanks for the giveaway!


  23. This sounds so good. Can't wait to read it!

  24. I have heard nothing but great this over this book. MUST READ!


  25. i am hooked on this book but have not read it yet have been following/blog stalking you and each excert gets me way more addicted. can not wait thursdays pay day and i will be getting my copy then cant wait.

    i just know its gonna be spectacular another one i will not want to end.


  26. I definitely have to check this book out! Added to my tbr list for sure :)

  27. I definitely have to check this book out! Added to my tbr list for sure :) Thank you for my chance to win!

  28. I definitely have to check this book out! Added to my tbr list for sure :)

  29. I have not read If I Were You yet, but I do have a number of Lisa Renee Jones' books. Great excerpt too! :)


  30. I can't wait for a break from school work so I can catch up on my tbr list :)

  31. I can't wait to read this book! Everyone is talking about how awesome its!

  32. I just got this book.Can't wait to read it.Thanks for sharing the great excerpt.

  33. I am new to Lisa's work, but have heard great things about this story. Can not wait to read it, and the other two in the series.

    Thanks for the giveaway,

    Elizabeth Gray

  34. I am new to Lisa's work, but have heard great things about this story. Can not wait to read it, and the other two in the series. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Elizabeth Gray

  35. I am adding this to my need to get list as soon as I get paid.

    Melissa P.


  36. Amazing author - truly talented! I'm trying to get my best friend to find time to read this book so she and I can have coffee and book time together, lol!

  37. I bought it, devoured it and recommended it to all my friends. I loved it:)

  38. Awesome and talented author! My best friend and I are going to work through all her books together so we can do coffee time and discuss each one! LOL

  39. Loved this book! I am not so patiently waiting for the next book!

  40. Recently discovered you on amazon, and I'm hooked.... This book sounds great! :-)

  41. Recently discovered you on amazon, and I'm hooked.... This book sounds great! :-)

  42. I'm hoping to either download my copy on my iPhone or locate it on my iPhone because I thought I downloaded it the other day when I got the notice that it was available.
    Thank you Lisa.

  43. I haven't read the book yet because my tbr list is crazy long! But, when I'm in the mood for a hot read, I know where to go ;)

  44. I haven't read the book yet because I have a crazy long tbr list. But when I'm in the mood for a hot read, I know where to go ;)

  45. I have not read this one yet but it is definitely on my list too. Thanks for the giveaway and the great excerpt!

  46. I have not read this one yet but it is definitely on my list too. Thanks for the giveaway and the great excerpt!

  47. I have not read this one yet but it is definitely on my list too. Thanks for the giveaway and the great excerpt!

  48. I haven't had a chance to read If I Were You yet but from reading the excerpt, I'm definitely intrigued! Chris seems to be a very compelling hero!

    Thanks for sharing the excerpt and for the giveaway opportunity!


  49. I love Lisa's books and I can't wait to read If I Were You!! She is a very talented author and one of my new favorite authors to read!


  50. I am reading this book now...love it so far (Net Galley)...I'm happy it's a series and can't wait to finish this and see where it goes from here..great storyline and I love Art and wine :)



  51. Loved this story...can't wait for the next! :)

  52. Rereading If I Were You Helping to fill my time while enduring Huricanne Issac here in New Orleans. Also let me tell you once again how much I enjoyed your book and can't wait until the next one!

  53. I loved, loved, loved this book! I am so sad that I have to wait for a long time for the next book. The ending just left me hanging... Why did I have to read this book so fast. :)

  54. I loved this book, but then again I luv anything by Lisa.

  55. I loved this book, but then again I luv all of Lisa's books.

  56. Waiting for the next one...still waiting..... angelshaw54 @ yahoo.com

  57. I just got my copy...can't wait to start it! It's gonna be hot!

  58. Great story!! Awesome post and giveaway!!!!

  59. Thanks for the excerpt! If I Were You is definitely getting added to my TBR list!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  60. This is one amazing book from the front page to the back cover!!!

  61. I have never read anything by you before.but i really want too read if i were you! It sounds so good! Congrats on all your good reviews and book sales

  62. Would love to win.. enjoy reading your books

  63. Haven't read If I Were You yet, but I recently read Hot Secrets, the first book from the Tall, Dark & Deadly series. I was awesome!
    Thanks for the chance to win! And congrats to Lisa Renee on her new release!
    Kanya ;)

  64. I loved this story and cannot wait for the next book in the trilogy.Congrats Lisa on another great book!! :)
