Saturday, October 27, 2012

100 Follower giveaway


The Vampire Wardens --The Collection: Lisa Renee Jones: Kindle Store

This is one of my favorite vampire series. I am going to have a contest since I am 6 followers away from having a 100 followers. You must be one of my followers and Ii you send someone else my way and they follow too and mention your name i'll give you two entries in this contest. Just comment with your name that you follow with and your email addy and if you're the lucky winner I'll gift this to you via Amazon. This contest will close as soon as I have 100 followers but if I get those six soon I'll leave this contest open till next Saturday at midnight.


  1. I'm # 98! Thanks for your lovely contest and awesome giveaway! I found you through one of Lisa Renee Jones' tweets and I retweeted!
    ehaney578 at AOL dot com

  2. Already a follower. Good luck getting to 100. Tweeted too

    bacchus76 at myself dot com
