Monday, March 23, 2015

Review: Alpha's Truth by Rebecca Royce

Alpha's Truth (Fallen Alpha, #2)Alpha's Truth by Rebecca Royce

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Montana Alpha Beaux Nelson believes in living his life the way werewolves were meant to—as naturally and free as possible. He honors the moon with every hunt and breath in his body. When he discovers his true mate is the healer of another pack, he’s determined nothing will come between them—not even her kidnapping. Pursuing her across the continent, Beaux will take any risk to claim the woman meant for him…but surviving her rejection is another matter.

Lake Fennell has never thrived as a healer should, her gift acts out, she changes others without their permission and has failed to save those precious to her. When she discovers Beaux may very well be her true mate, she flees rather than face the possibility. In her haste, she falls into the arms of the True Believers. Months of torture later, she can barely believe it when she wakes to find herself with the one man she shouldn’t want and can never have. In order to save them both, she must leave her true mate, knowing she might not leave his heart in tact. But if she doesn’t do what she was born to do everything will be lost…including the world she’s fought the hardest for

This was the first book I've read by Rebecca Royce and I must say it was good one. Beau was the kind of hero that you wanted. He was smart, sexy, and loyal to a fault. My only issue with him was that he was a traditionalist and lived in the middle of nowhere. And like Lake I assumed that meant living in a run down cabin a with not a lot of amenities. But we were fooled. I loved his home and his pack. Beau is tickled pink with Lake. He likes everything about her especially her being a healer. But Lake is not convinced and thinks that with where he lives and the issues she's having with her healing powers that it would be best to just not accept the mate bond

Thus the first part of this book deals with Lake being a typical female wolf an running from Beau which is what females do when they meet their true mate. They run and the males chases. But in this chase her running got her caught by the True Believers and they are a nasty piece of work. They hold her hostage an torture and abuse her until finally Beau frees her. But all is not as it seems and if sometimes something seems too easy there is usually a reason for it and in this case not a very good one.

I'm going to give away the ending but just saying she puts you through the wringer before you get your happy ever after lol. But since it is all good with this couple in the end I'm fine with that. There was one minor issue with this book and it was that it was a second book in a series and you could tell. It wasn't bad but there was just a feeling of not being in the loop so to speak but it was minor so I am still giving the book 4 stars.

Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review

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