Sunday, August 16, 2015

Review: To Love a Mate: Somewhere, TX (VonBrandt Family, #2) by Krystal Shannan

Can a small-town cowboy win the heart of a woman who doesn’t have one?

Surviving charity functions by day and automatic weapons and death threats by night, Emma Carrington learned to be as hard as the men her daddy hired to protect her. Hell, she even carried a military grade stun gun in her Prada bag and could shoot just as well as any of her ex-military bodyguards if the need arose.

When a failed kidnapping attempt forces her to hide out in Somewhere, Texas, Emma finds herself stranded, floundering through cow patties, and desperate for a car. Who better to “borrow” from than the sexy naked man she sees turn into a wolf and leave his perfectly good pickup truck available for use. It’s not like he can drive it in his current condition, right?

College senior Noah VonBrandt knows the pack law better than anyone —only a bonded mate can know his secret. He watched his brother find the mate of his dreams and he wants the same thing, but you can’t just make the “right” girl appear out of thin air. To his surprise, lightning does strike. When a beautiful blonde woman trespasses on the ranch and sees him transform, he knows he only has two choices —claim her or let the pack erase her memories. But even as Noah fights to save her, Emma’s past is hot on her heels and out for more than memories.

This was my first book by this author and even though it wasn't the first book in the series it could be read easily as a standalone. I really liked Emma and I liked that she was smart, snarky, and very loyal to the folks that she considered family. Even though it seemed that she was rather cold to her family there was reasons for it. And oh man I loved, loved, loved Lucy. I would definitely want to read her story.

Poor Noah seemed one dimensional in comparison. I didn't remember he was in college until I reread the blurb. The book didn't focus on him as much with the exception of him being worried about his mate coming soon. I would have liked to have had him fleshed out a little more.

I really liked that this book had a little more story to other than a good ole case of instalust which comes with most shifter stories. Though the instalust was there too. This was a good short quick read. My favorite part of the book was the part with the stun gun and the stolen truck. And I am definitely going to read more by this author. I give it 4 stars and was provided a copy of this book by the author in exchange of a fair and honest review.

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