Sunday, August 9, 2015

Revew: Spider's Trap by Jennifer Estep

Spider's Trap (Elemental Assassin, #13)Spider's Trap by Jennifer Estep

Keep your friends close but your enemies within stabbing distance.

One important lesson I’ve learned in the assassination business is that to be the best you have to roll with the punches. Now that I’m queen of Ashland’s underworld—by default, not by choice—a lot more punches are being thrown my way. But I suppose that’s the price of victory for taking down some of the underworld’s top dogs. Good thing I have my Ice and Stone magic to help me survive my volatile new position. Just when I think things are finally settling down, someone tries to murder me during a hush-hush underworld meeting. But the real surprise is how strangely familiar my shadowy assailant seems to be.

My job is to maintain order among killers, crooks, and thieves, and soon I’m embroiled in a bloody game where the ability to keep secrets could be the greatest superpower of all. My enemies have all sharpened their knives and laid their traps, waiting for me to fall. But this Spider weaves her own webs of death…

I just love this series. Gin is one of my all time favorite heroines and in this book we see more of her and her backstory with Fletcher.  Of course this book contains all the usual suspects and this is what keeps me reading this series. I love that even though Gin is an assassin she has friends and family that she would die to protect. And part of doing that in the last book was her taking over the underworld. But in this book someone attacks her at a meeting or at least we think she is the one being attacked. As the story progresses so does the mystery of who is the attacker is and why. And in the end all is revealed along with more secrets which sets up the storyline in the next book which I cannot wait to read. One of my favorite parts of this book is there is one character who may or may not become a friend to Gin. I am hoping that happens anyway. At this point they are frenemies.
The end of this book was a WTF moment which will continue in the next book. Not a cliff hanger per se but a definitely a tease. 
I give this book 5 stars and I was given this book via Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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