Sunday, September 20, 2015

Review: Under His Skin by Stacey O'Neale

 Bakery owner Annabelle Sparks’ business is booming ever since she won reality TV's Cupcake Wars. The one thing deflating her happy soufflé? The extremely sexy Kaden Chance only sees her as a best friend–and Annabelle wants so much more. After waiting a year for him recognize their chemistry, she’s giving up and dating other people.

What she doesn't know is Kaden's heart doesn't actually beat. He's not human. Heck, he's not even from Earth. To retain his intergalactic immunity, no one can ever know he is an extraterrestrial. But when Annabelle starts dating, something strange happens to Kaden's unmoved heart: it begins to beat. Now he faces an impossible choice—tell Annabelle the truth and be deported–or lose his last chance at love

I hadn't read this author before and this is one of my favorite genre's. It wasn't very heavy on the scifi but it was heavy on the romance. I think it was a very light fun read. Perfect escapism. I liked that Annabelle and Kaden were friends from the get go. One thing that irked me was the back and forth both of them did on the having this relationship. I understand that the MIB didn't want Kaden to have a relationship with humans but with his brother's power I don't know what the problem was. They could have done what they did much earlier.  And I was glad that Annabelle grew a set towards the end. I am hoping that we might have further stories. Maybe Kaden's brothers. Especially Cam. He
so deserves to find his true mate lol.

I was given this book by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review and I give it a solid 4 stars. You can go here and preorder if this sounds good.


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