Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Interview and Giveaway: Elementals: The Blood of the Hydra by Michelle Madow

Filled with magic, thrilling adventure, and sweet romance, Elementals: The Blood of the Hydra is the second book in the Elementals series. Join Nicole and the rest of the Elementals on their quest to save the world, or die trying, in this spellbinding sequel that fans of mythology, magic, and adventure will love!

Title: Elementals 2: The Blood of the Hydra
Author: Michelle Madow
Publisher: Dreamscape Publishing
Release Date: April 18, 2016
Series: Elementals #2
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Format: eBook and paperback
ISBN: 9781311296788

A demigod who can kill with a touch. It’s an ability that must be kept secret from everyone, even from those trusted most.

Finding out that she was a witch was strange enough, but now Nicole must face the realization that she has the rare power to kill with just a touch. No one can know her secret—not even Blake, who she’s had undeniable chemistry with since first moving to town.

Now Nicole, Blake, and the three others with elemental powers must stop a series of monsters that they previously believed to be dead from rising once again and destroying the mortal world. The creatures they face on this journey will be more dangerous than anything they’ve encountered yet. Will they all survive the quest? And how long will it be until Nicole is forced to use her ability to kill in front of everyone, revealing the true darkness of her powers?

Find out in The Blood of the Hydra, and join the Elementals on their next journey in their quest to save the world—or die trying.

Buy Links:  Amazon

Add to your TBR List:  Goodreads

The adventure began in the first book in the series, Elementals: The Prophecy of Shadows! To learn more about the first book, and to read the first four chapters for free, click here!

The Elementals series is available on Kindle Unlimited, so subscribers can read it for free!


1. If you could have three folks to dinner living, dead, real, or imaginary who would the be and why?

Jane Austen—because I find it inspiring that she was a woman author in a time when women authors were so against the norm. JK Rowling—because she’s a creative genius and I would love to learn about her creative process. And Damon Salvatore—so we could fall in love and so I could convince him to turn me into a vampire.

2. Other than your books what was your favorite book last year?

I’ve recently been devouring the Shade of Vampire series by Bella Forrest. I’ve read the first seven of the main series, and the Kiev spin off trilogy. I’m trying to read some other books on my to-read list before throwing myself back into the series, since the series is 25+ books long and growing, so it’s a big time commitment!

3. What is your drink of choice?

Chardonnay. (Which is white wine, for all you non-wine drinkers out there.)

4. Is there any genre you've not been pubbed in that you'd like to be?

Vampires! I’ve LOVED vampires since I was eleven, which was when I read In the Forest of the Night by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. I actually have an idea for a vampire series. I’m likely going to write it after the Elementals series is complete. (I’ve always held off on writing vampires because everyone said that publishers aren’t looking for vampire books anymore. But now that I’m back into indie publishing, I can write whatever I want. So… yay, vampires! J)

5. If you went to con like Comic-con what would you dress up as?

Ohhh I’m going to Comic-con in Miami this summer! It’s listed in my appearances section on my website. It’s four days long, so I can wear a few costumes. I ordered a Rey costume, and it arrived today, so hopefully it fits and looks good! (I’m a HUGE Star Wars fan and Rey is my favorite Star Wars protagonist yet.) I’m also going to dress as a Greek goddess for one of the days to tie in with the Elementals series. Maybe Daenerys (Khaleesi) for one of the other days, since lots of people tell me I look like her. Although, the white/blonde wig would probably get annoying. Eh… knowing me, by day three or four I’ll be sick of wearing strange clothes, and I’ll just throw on black jeans and a black top and call myself a Shadowhunter 

About Michelle Madow:

Michelle Madow writes fast-paced YA (young adult) fiction that will leave you turning the pages wanting more!

She grew up in Baltimore, and now lives in Boca Raton, Florida, where she writes books for young adults. Some of her favorite things are: reading, pizza, traveling, shopping, time travel, Broadway musicals, and spending time with friends and family. Michelle went on a cross-country road trip from Florida to California and back to promote her books and to encourage high school students to embrace reading and writing. Someday, she hopes to travel the world for a year on a cruise ship.

Want to get some of Michelle’s books for FREE? Click here to learn how. J

To get instant updates about Michelle’s new books, follow her on Amazon!

Connect with Michelle:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Goodreads

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