Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Book Tour and Giveaway: Coveted Kiss by Karen Tjebben

Psychological Romantic/Suspense

Date Published: June 2017

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Bella Chan is a good girl surrounded by alpha-males who aren’t afraid of danger. Unfortunately, that danger comes back to bite her. She can still feel the deadly grip of Hazeem’s hands wrapped around her neck. If Jack hadn’t shown up at Savage Security, she’d be dead. Then, in pure alpha-male fashion, Jack appoints himself her personal bodyguard, but Bella soon realizes that Jack isn’t there to protect her. He’s there to win her heart.

And now, in the aftermath of the attack, the men of Savage Security band together to hunt down the terrorists living on American soil. As they navigate through the intrigue and deception that camouflages their assailants, they also confront the treason that threatens the Nation’s defenses.


Bella looked so uncomfortable standing there, like she didn’t know what to do. He hated the insecurity in her eyes and the tense rigidity in her face. She was a woman who should never feel insecure or unsure of her talents and abilities. He did the only thing he knew to do.
Never breaking eye contact, he walked to her and slid his hands gently over her cheeks. He hated the purpling bruises around her eye and cheek. He wanted to make Eric look a thousand times worse than she did, but he wouldn’t get that pleasure. Instead, he’d have to settle for the pleasure of Bella’s touch and taste.
When his fingers brushed over her cheeks and threaded into her hair, Bella’s heart rate soared. She stood there, staring back into his eyes as his lips descended towards her. Ever so gently, he brushed a kiss to her swollen eye and then over her bruised cheek. The tenderness in his touch melted her heart and rocked her to her core. As his warm breath gently puffed against her face, she reached out and gripped his shirt at his waist. He adjusted his stance, and his tongue slid along the seam of her mouth. She closed her eyes and relished the tsunami of feelings that flooded her. She let go of her fear, of her concerns for how this may affect her at work, and she opened her mouth to him.
Jack eased the tip of his tongue along her lips and then gently explored her mouth, rubbing his tongue against hers. He made sure every movement was gentle so that he wouldn’t hurt her battered body.
         Stepping closer, he brought his body flush with hers as he explored her mouth. She tasted sweet, like chocolate and soda. One of her hands settled on his chest, and her other hand wrapped around his waist. The heat from her hands ignited his blood and sent it racing through his body like lava. His cock strained against the tight cotton fabric of his boxer briefs. And when she moaned, he deepened the kiss

About the Author

Karen Tjebben lives in central North Carolina with her wonderful husband, twin daughters, and two hamsters. When her girls left for kindergarten, Karen discovered that she needed to fill her days with something, and that was the beginning of her writing career. She loves to create worlds filled with unique characters that she hopes will delight and raise goose bumps on her readers. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her husband and seeing the world through her daughters' eyes.

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  1. Thanks for your help with the book tour and giveaway. I appreciate your support.
