Thursday, July 27, 2017

Book Tour and giveaway: Seven Threads by Jason Atkinson

Book Details:

Book Title:  Seven Threads: A Book of Short Stories
Author:  Jason Atkinson
​Category:  Adult Fiction,  151 pages
Genre:   Thriller and Suspense
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date: July 4 , 2017
Tour dates:  July 10 to 28, 2017
Content Rating:  PG

Book Description:

In this collection of seven short stories from Jason Atkinson, follow a man accused of murder, a runaway girl on a train, a scientist at the heart of a government conspiracy, and more! Full of twists and turns, Seven Threads offers a selection of fast-paced stories full of heart and excitement.
Buy the Book:



Q: There are many books out there about….What makes yours different?

It’s true, there millions of books available in today’s market. It just to be that you could only go to a bookstore and find something of your choosing, or maybe the library to find that one book you’ve been waiting to come back. Now? Click here, and the book is immediately yours.

So what makes my book, Seven Threads, so different that you just HAVE to pick it up for yourself? Everything…

That’s a big claim, so allow me to explain.

It does not matter to me if you are a small time reader, or sit and swallow the entire shelf of books in a weekend – reader. This book was written for both. I like short stories because it allows someone to escape for a shorter amount of time, but then you can do it over and over again – 7 times to be exact, in my book of short stories.

Each type of reader can choose 3 to read a little, or a lot. I didn’t write Chapters, I wrote “Parts”. Each part is a bite out of the main story. So if you only have time for a quick read and you just need to see what happens next without having to commit, no problem. Each part is roughly the same length so it’s easy to sink your teeth in, or just nibble away.

And let’s not forget the stories themselves. They are all unique! Not one story is anything like the other. The only thing that you will find that “feels” similar is the fact that I woven in between the pages, a glimmer of hope for humanity. There is way too much negativity in the world and it’s seen more than books are read. So I knew with these stories I had to make them exciting with twists and turns (which they have), but I also needed to make sure that the goodness of humanity can be seen throughout.

This is a reminder to everyone that reads my stories in Seven Threads that people can be good. They can be kind and caring, and you don’t need to wear a red cape to do it!

Meet the Author:

​Jason Atkinson lives in the Midwest with his wife and son. With a love of writing, this is his 3rd book, but first book in the fiction category. Short stories are easy to digest, and yet, this book still provides all the joys for the long haul reader. Jason write for everyone in mind when creating this piece and hopes you will enjoy it as much as he did when writing it.

Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Facebook 

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends Aug 5

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