Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Book Blog, Review, Interview, and Giveaway: Awoke; The Want Series by KT. Conte

Book Details:

Book Title: Awoke (The Want Series) by K.T. Conte
Category: YA Fiction; 324 pages
Genre: Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Publisher: SugarCane Publishing
Release date: October 2017
Format available for review: print & ebook (mobi, ePub, PDF)
Will ship print books to: Internationally
Tour dates: Sept 25 to Oct 27, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 (mainly bad language)

Book Description:

Katya leads a normal life any teenager would be envious of – popular, pretty and dating the high school elite. Not she enjoys the spotlight, mind you. She wants everyone to believe she is normal.

But when Katya sees the real reason behind the earthquakes plaguing everyone in Boston, the truth rattles and shatters the perfect normal illusion Katya created for herself. An ability to see unearthly creatures and manipulate waves of life energy labels her as anything but normal. And it’s an ability that attracts unwanted and dangerous attention.

She reluctantly finds herself in the company of Gregor, a handsome member of an international spirit military team called the Kyrios. Her simple decision to help thrusts Katya in a world of the undead spirits, betrayal and a perpetual battle between undead monsters and the wardens that keep them in their place.

Katya must decide whether she values the simple and easy life she created for herself over the complex and difficult world now asking her to stand and fight.

What made you write a book about the Grim Reaper?
-          Everyone has a fascination with death – normally the response to death is great fear but for some it’s curiosity. The idea of the Grim Reaper has been depicted as the scary being hiding behind a gray cloak and a scythe to just a black void. Isn’t it more fun to think of them as handsome and beautiful men and women taking you into the light?

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?
-          I absorb anime, other sci-fi/fantasy books and stories (including fanfiction) along with tv shows (read: Doctor Who & Torchwood). Add that with my imagination always moving and jumping around at almost every waking moment and something usually comes to be me.

Do you have another profession besides writing?
-          I’m an attorney by day – in healthcare. But writing is a lot more fun.

What is the last great book you’ve read?
-          I’m going to include an entire series for this question: The Lunar Chronicles series – reimagining the Cinderella story and uses an Asian protagonist. They also use one of my favorite animes “Sailor Moon” as an influence.

Do you write every day? What is writing schedule?
-          I would be lying if I said every day. I have to schedule free time for writing in the same manner I would for any meeting.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
-          I always find this question to be funny only because there isn’t much wiggle room for me to travel back to due to the whole slavery thing or reconstruction or Jim Crow laws. So I’d prefer to go a hundred years in the future to see how my descendants are doing.


I don't normally read a lot of YA but the blurb for this one intrigued me so I signed up to receive an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. I want to say the world building for this series was very different than anything that I've read. I am at a loss as to quite how to describe it. It was that different but I really liked that about this series. This book starts out a fast pace and keeps the action coming through out.  Out of all the characters in this story Katra was my favorite. She was caring, brave, and funny. She's what my granny would call spunky. A bit naive to me but that could be me since I am considerably older that her lol

The bad guys in this book most of them were known from the get go. But as in real life there was a snake in the grass. Or more apt a serpent in the garden. I figured out who it was because it was very apparent who one of them was but one fooled me. Though he did turn out to be a good guy again in the end. This story does contain a love story between Gregor and Katra. There is no sex in this book. Plenty of violence but no sex.

I give this book four stars and will reading the next book in this series.

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Meet the Author:

K.T. Conte is a lover of books, people and all things wild and crazy. She received her B.A. in English from Boston College and her law degree from Suffolk University Law School. While she has and continues to be a licensed attorney, her first love has always been books from the tender age of 2. Originally from Massachusetts, K.T. currently lives in New York City with the monsters in the closet, her husband Everett, a couple of building fairies and her dog, Champ.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter

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