Saturday, November 18, 2017

Review: Taken by Cynthia Eden

In New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden’s latest novel, the Last Option Search Team (LOST) returns—and for one agent, the hunt for a serial killer just got personal…
He swore to protect her…
Bailey Jones somehow survived her harrowing abduction by the infamous Death Angel. But while her physical scars have healed, she can’t stop wondering about a woman she helped to escape, who simply disappeared. When LOST agent Asher Young is assigned to her case, Bailey instantly feels an attraction to the intense, ex-SEAL who seems to be carrying dark secrets of his own.
But keeping his promise…
Asher can’t afford to let his growing feelings for Bailey distract him from his job. Only she can soothe his horrific nightmares, but the last thing he wants is for the demons from his past to ever hurt her. Bailey has gotten past his guard, and the emotions he feels for her—they’re as dark and dangerous as the past he doesn’t want to face.
Could cost both their lives.
When corpses begin surfacing—all marked with the same tattoo depicting the Death Angel’s calling card—Asher must race to stop a twisted killer who wants nothing more than to claim his next prize: Bailey…


“Bailey Jones . . .” Asher said her name softly, as if tasting it on his tongue. “There are a few things you should know about me before we begin.”
There are things you should know about me, too. But I’m not going to tell you . . . or you won’t help me.
“First, you don’t have to fear me. Part of my job at LOST—well, let’s just say Gabe hired me on because he wanted a bit more muscle. Protection is my role. I’ll keep you safe and track down any clues about that missing woman. On my watch, nothing will happen to you.”
She nodded even though—
I don’t believe you. There is no safety. I learned that.
“And second . . . you don’t have to bullshit me.”
Now she blinked in surprise.
He laughed, a deep, rough rumble of sound that Bailey found she liked to hear.
“You think I can’t tell when you’re wearing a mask? You’ve got yourself locked down tight, under careful control, don’t you? But you don’t have to do that with me. I’m not one of the North Carolina deputies. I’m not going to judge you. And I’m not some lame-ass reporter who wants to splash your story all over the world.”
I wear a mask all the time now because something is wrong inside of me. It has been, ever since that fire. That hole. That hell.
“So let’s put a no-bullshit rule in effect,” he murmured.
Her hands curled around the steering wheel. “Liking rules, is that more of a military thing again?”
“Wanting to break rules . . . that’s why I left the SEALs.”
He’d been a SEAL? She turned to look up at him. “Is there a rule number three?”
“We’ll get to that rule later . . .”
She started the vehicle. “I’ll follow you to your place.”
“Do you have any rules for me?”
Don’t hurt me. Don’t judge me. Don’t pity me. Bailey cleared her throat. “I’m sure we can get to those rules later, too.”
He slammed her door shut. Through the window, Bailey watched as he strode away—not to another car, but to a shiny, big monster of a motorcycle. He climbed on, revved the engine moments later, and that rumbling growl filled the parking garage.
Asher slid the helmet over his head—a black helmet with a dark visor that completely obscured his face. Her heart beat faster as she stared at him.
That had been her first thought when she’d seen him in the conference room.
But he was on her side. Not a threat to her. He’d help her.
At least, that was what she hoped. Because if something didn’t change soon, Bailey was afraid that the deputies would be right about her. Her shrink would be right.
I may go crazy.


This is the latest book in Cynthia Eden's LOST series. And I believe that Bailey is my favorite heroine in this series so far. Seems like every time I read one of her books I say that but her heroines are so doggone fantastic. They are smart, strong, stubborn and snarky which are my favorite type of heroine. Yes they are usually traumatized or scarred  or both but they don't know the meaning of the word quit. And I like it. Bailey is the one that got away but there was another and she's determined to find out what happened to her. But as always things are not as simple as that.  When she hires the LOST team to help her she meets Asher and sparks fly right away.

But Asher has issues of his own dealing with his and his sister's abduction as teens. He tries putting Bailey off because he doesn't want her hurt if he fails her. Don't think that would happen. Asher takes being protective to extremes and I think the only thing that would stop him would be his death. And with the killer on the lose and looking to rectify its mistake in letting her get away that just might happen.

I will say that Ms Eden got me with parts of this story. I've been reading her stories for a while now and she just gets better and better at the suspense part of her stories. She's always rocked the romance part lol. If you've not read this series what are you waiting on. I was gifted this book by the author in exchange for consideration of fair and honest review. I give this one 5 stars. You can click below and purchase you own copy but if you've not read this series i'd start with the first one

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