Sunday, January 28, 2018

Book Tour & Giveaway: Bears in Love by PA Vachon

Mated to the Grizzly
Bears in Love Book 1
by PA Vachon
Genre: Paranormal Romance
143 pages

Ian Jones is a shifter bounty hunter trying to infiltrate a rogue group of shifters who can't seem to stop breaking the law. When he meets his fated mate Lauren he will have to make a heart-wrenching decision; should he go or should he stay with the one fated just for him?
Fast paced, heart stopping action and a love for the ages are all contained in this wonderful story reminiscent of Moxie North.

When I See Her Smile
Bears in Love Book 2

Trevor has known heartache. Abandoned by one woman as a child and recently deceived by another, he has learned the only person he can count on is himself. Can Trevor open his heart and learn to trust again? 

Rebecca Ann is done with men and their duplicitous nature. Her ex boyfriend was caught red-handed in the act with Rebecca's best friend. Will she ever be able to heal her soul from the deep emotional wounds left by her callous ex?

When two wounded souls meet, a smile from her is all it takes for the sparks to fly. Throw in an ex or two on a mission, a clan of grizzlies that will protect their own to their last breaths, and a little romance to nurture your soul, and you have one of the greatest powers on earth… Love.

When I see her Smile Book 2 Bears in Love Series…

Chapter 1

I didn't think I would ever meet my one, my soul mate. Fate has always laughed at me and jerked my life strings to and fro. From being raised in an orphanage because my mom couldn't handle a young shifter male without my father until I was found by Marcus on my twelfth birthday to thinking I had found my mate as a young adult. I blame my raging hormones for that shit show. I had just turned nineteen and she was beautiful, but that beauty held grasping, greedy evil thoughts and deeds behind her facade. She was almost the death of me, and when I found out she had been sent to infiltrate our clan and spy for Hatchet when Ian and Lauren were just mated, I lost what little hope I had for forever. Almost two years later and the clan is still trying to mend from her deviousness. And I am still alone, I have my clan who are like a family. But I don’t have my one. I am starting to think I lost my chance. I was not prepared for what happened next. Not one little bit.

I was sent into Fall City, Washington to get supplies for the week. While there, I visited The Roadhouse Restaurant and Inn, a small clapboard building that dated back to 1916, and that's when it happened. Instant hard-on and not just because she was beautiful, but because she was mine. She smiled at me as she walked up to my table to take my order and my polar bear rushed to the surface. Yep, a polar in a grizzly clan. Not something you see everyday, but Marcus the clans leader and all around giant grizzly is my pseudo-dad figure, and once you are in, that's it. Your clan, your family. I had to concentrate on holding my polar back. I got a whiff of her scent, like fresh snow and pine trees, I had to grip the table sides to keep myself in my seat. My polar, and if I am honest, my human self, wanted to grab up this vision and take her away to keep her to myself.

About the Author
PA Vachon was born in the Golden State on a cloudy Thursday morning in January 1975. She is now living in the land of the Pacific Northwest. The adventures that come to life in her mind are finally traveling to her fingers and creating a reality of their own on the pages that she fills with words. The lively voices in her mind have taken control and she can't get them out fast enough! 

She lives with a couple of cantankerous grizzly bears (aka her loving, supportive husband and youngest child) and now that her two eldest bear cubs have migrated from the den (aka married life and adulting) she has more time to dedicate to her passion and to pour out the stories that fill both her mind and her heart.

Her hope is that you will continue to find adventure within her books and love her stories just as much as she loves writing them.

Mystery Swag Pack with Signed Books by an assortment of authors!

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

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