Friday, September 4, 2015

Review: Beware of Me by Cynthia Eden

Criminal. Killer. Monster. Ethan Barclay has been called many things in life, and he usually doesn’t care what people say about him. He’s tough, hard, and brutal when he needs to be. But even the most dangerous of men can have a weakness. Ethan’s weakness has—and always will be—Carly Shay.
Their pasts are tied together—twisted and melded by blood and death. Walking away from Carly was the hardest thing that Ethan ever did, but it was also his one good deed. He knew Carly deserved far better than him, and he wanted her to have a perfect life, a life that didn’t involve paying for Ethan’s sins.
Only now the secrets from their past have been revealed, and Carly’s life is on the line. Ethan’s enemies, Carly’s enemies—the predators are closing in on them. But Ethan isn’t going to let Carly be threatened. He will move heaven and hell to protect her. He won’t lose Carly, not again, and for those foolish enough to try and take her from him…they are about to see just how deadly Ethan truly can be.

Out of all the characters in this series Ethan is my most favorite. He's a complete bad boy but as we saw in previous books underneath all that he has a most loving heart. He proved that to me with his interactions with Sophie and Julianna. In this book though we get to meet the lady who owns him heart, body, and soul. And what a tortured heroine we have. Carly has been through a lot and it seems as we read this story that she truly comes into her own. I liked that she used tricks that Ethan taught her and Julianna when they were younger to help save herself. And just for the record I didn't like the secret bad guy a bit from the first read. The other one guy that Ethan though was the bad guy he reminded me of a little weasel actually both the bad guys did lol.

I was given this book by author in exchange for a fair and honest review and I loved it. I give it 5 stars and am so looking forward to Victor' s book. He needs shaking up.

If this sounds like something you'd like to read please click the widget below to buy it. Thanks

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