Sunday, September 6, 2015

Review: Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

After breaking from life with the Pack, mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate – former Beast Lord Curran Lennart – are adjusting to a very different pace. While they are thrilled to escape all the infighting, Kate and Curran know that separating from the Pack completely is a process that will take time.
But when they learn that their friend Eduardo has gone missing, Kate and Curran shift their focus to investigate his disappearance.  As they dig deeper into the merc’s business, they realize that Mercenary Guild has gone to hell and that Eduardo’s recent assignments are connected in a most sinister way…
An ancient enemy has arisen, and Kate and Curran are the only ones who can stop it—before it takes their city apart piece by piece…

I love this series and this one was no exception. I like that we learn more about Kate and Curran's friends and that by the end of this story they have their own little family compound.  Of course we have the required ass kicking. It wouldn't be a Kate book without it. But what struck me about this book was the personal connections. I am never going to look at having dinner at Applebee's the same way again. That was information and infuriating. I am so looking forward to reading more and finding out the resolution of Kate and daddy dearest.

I bought this book with my own money and as long as Gordon and Ilona keeps writing I'll keep reading. I give this book 5 stars.

I was lucky enough on August 6th as a early birthday gift from my dear hubby to meet and get an autograph of both these funny and fantastic folks. My hubby drove me to Atlanta to meet them and get one of books signed. They also were nice enough to sign a page to put in my scrapbook.
This is me with Gordon and Ilona Andrews
Hated that the pic turned out kind of bad but oh well. Something's you can control something's you can't.

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