Friday, December 2, 2016

Blog Tour, Top Ten List, and Giveaway: Shattered Pack by Aileen Erin

Shattered Pack
Aileen Erin
(Alpha Girl)
Published by: Ink Monster LLC
Publication date: March 28th 2017
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult
Goodreads B&N Amazon
Meredith Molloney never thought she’d find a mate, let alone someone like Donovan Murry—one of the most powerful Alphas alive. Now that she’s no longer cursed and the evil Luciana Alvarez has been taken care of, she thinks life will finally settle down. Boy, has she never been so wrong
In the middle of the night, Donovan gets a call telling him that his pack has gone to pieces. The news that his second in command has been found brutally murdered has Donovan packing his bags for Ireland, but the last thing Meredith wants to do is leave Texas. She’s heard about how the Celtic Pack are with outsiders. And Donovan has more than a few exes in the pack that will be less than friendly.
Meredith’s never let a few angry wolves stop her, and she’s not about to start now. She’s faced down much worse the past few months. But when she gets there, she finds that it’s not just a few exes who stand in the way between her and her Full Moon Ceremony with Donovan
Meredith is thrust in to a deadly game of pack politics, one the fey have happily joined in on. When the dust settles, she knows she’ll either have everything that she wants or lose it all.

 Top 10 Vacation Destinations

Book Crazy Scrapbook Mama listed her first choice of guest blog as Top 10 Vacation Destinations. And since I’m always in need of a holiday, I’m listing my favorite places I’ve been. In no particular order. But I have a feeling I’m going to regret this… By the time I’m done with my list, I’m going to really, seriously be dreaming of vacation.

1.      St. John, USVI
White sand beaches are a thing for me. I love, love, love them. I mean seriously, what’s not to love? That and a book and I’m in heaven. But I love St. John because you get to hike to these amazing deserted beaches. The hikes are amazing, and sure, it’d be easier to go to another spot with easier to get to beaches, but this introvert enjoys an empty—or mostly-empty—spot. Honeymoon Beach is my fave.

Legit amazing, right?!

2.      Paris
I’m not much of a city person, but Paris… Whoa. It’s kind of magical.
The first time I went to Paris I was a little nervous. I know a lot of French speakers, but I am not one of them. I had my trusty phrase book and crossed my fingers that I wouldn’t make a total fool of myself, but I found everyone there to be so nice. They took pity on my horribly broken French, which was probably for the best. ;) The city is beautiful and romantic. I enjoyed sitting in the park with my husband, eating macarons, and eating all you can eat steak frites at Le Relais de l'EntrecĂ´te. Yummmm….

3.      Machu Picchu
This one is a total bucket-list clichĂ©, but it’s definitely a must.
My trip to Peru was amazing in a life-changing way. I went with my husband and in-laws for 10 days, and I can honestly say I never wanted to leave. Although the whole country was beautiful, Machu Picchu in particular was breathtaking. When we finally had to leave, I swear they were dragging me. I may have cried a little. Okay, I cried a lot. I wanted to just move in up there. The feeling—I can’t describe it exactly—but suffice it to say, if you get the chance to go. Do it!

4.      Costa Rica
Remember how I said I love beaches. Yeah. I love them. Costa Rica is a one-of-a-kind country. They’re so chill they don’t even have an army. But what can you expect of a country whose motto is pura vida (pure life). They seriously know how to unwind there. So if you’re looking to really get away, Costa Rica is a must. With all their eco-tourism and yoga retreats, it’s my zen haven. I’m going back in July for a wedding and I’m counting down the days.

5.      Belize
I know, I know. I’m being redundant here, but come on! That beach!!! Those waters!!!

The first time I went to Belize was in high school. It was the first time I’d been to the Caribbean and I was hooked! For years I dreamed of going back—white sand, clear water, amazing snorkeling—and when I finally did, my husband proposed to me. I’m kind of partial to it.

6.      Argentina

Just before I went to Peru, my husband, his parents, and I were in Argentina. And it was devine.

My father-in-law had been working there, so we’d gone down to visit. It was Christmas and it was summer. Amazing. This summer girl was more than happy! We saw some amazing tango dancing. Ate some amazing food. And ended the trip with a visit to the largest waterfalls system in the world, Iguazu Falls.
7.      London

After spending a year living in London, I couldn’t leave it off my list. Look at how beautiful it is.

Oddly enough, I kind of miss the tube the most. As I sit in LA traffic, I wish there was something like that here. Sure, they’re adding it now, but this city is laid out to be a driving city. London though? Amazing. We living on the most eastern stop of the District Line, and it was amazing. We were right across from the Terrace Gardens and just up the road from Richmond Park. Hop on the tube and you can get to anywhere. Just be sure to bring your eReader, and you’re set! Plays. Museums. Good eats. It’s all there.

8.      Ireland

I can’t leave off the country that inspired the book I’m supposed to be promoting (Shattered Pack)!
Gorgeous, right?! So green and lush. The castle ruins were amazing, and I know that this won’t be the only book that I write that is inspired by Ireland. I spent ten days there, and wished I’d had five times that. The people there are lovely, and I couldn’t get enough of the green. This SoCal girl was loving every second of it.

9.      Spain

I can’t end this list without at least one more mention of a beach, can I?
This time it’s Spain’s Costa del Sol. So beautiful. A few years ago, we’d been living in London and decided to go for some sun over Easter weekend. The sun. The beach. And surprisingly, it reminded me a lot of SoCal in terms of landscape. Really lovely. I hope I get to visit it again sometime soon!

10.  Austin, TX

You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the girl.

I loved my five years in Austin. Sure, I was young and going to University of Texas, but the city was so fantastic. It’s definitely my favorite place I’ve ever lived. Great food. Decent weather with most of the seasons. Plenty of green space. Plenty of city life. Just enough of everything. That’s probably why my husband and I got married there. If we ever do leave LA for good, we’ll be heading back there for sure.

There’s so much more to see, and I know I’ve only scratched the surface. I guess that means it’s time for me to plan another trip. Where should I go next? What’s your favorite vacation destination? 

About the Author

Aileen Erin is half-Irish, half-Mexican, and 100% nerd–from Star Wars (prequels don’t count) to Star Trek (TNG FTW), she reads Quenya and some Sindarin, and has a severe fascination with the supernatural. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. She lives with her husband in Los Angeles, and spends her days doing her favorite things: reading books, creating worlds, and kicking ass.

The Tour

November 28th
Loves Great Reads  Excerpt
Book Addict Excerpt
The Attic Ghost  Playlist
Book Stacks Amber  Interview
Book Sniffers Anonymous  Excerpt
November 29th
Just Us Book Blog Excerpt
Smada’s Book Smack Excerpt
Brooke Blogs Guest post
Diane’s Book Blog Excerpt
November 30th
CBY Book Club  Excerpt
Evermore Books  Interview
Urban Fantasy Investigations  Excerpt
Girls With Books  Excerpt
The Angels Pearl Excerpt
December 1st
ACME TEEN BOOKS – Kids & YA Too!  Excerpt
BooksChatter; Interview
Angelic Book Reviews Excerpt
December 2nd
A Book Addict’s Bookshelves  Guest post
Book Addict Reviewer  Excerpt
Perks Be With You  Excerpt
Book Crazy Scrapbook Mama  Top 10 List

1 comment:

  1. We are going to Moldova. It is the least visited of the European countries.
