Thursday, December 1, 2016

Book tour. Interview, and giveaway: Passion Never Dies by Anna Durand

Tour Graphic
Today, tt gives us great pleasure to feature
The Complete Reborn Series
Anna Durand

Four times the excitement...
A collection of four sizzling  paranormal romance novellas in one book. half the price!
For a limited time only, get PASSION NEVER DIES at 50% off the regular price.
More details below.

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Book Cover

Series: Reborn Series
Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Jacobsville Books
Publication Date: November 4, 2016
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In March 2014, Anna Durand introduced a unique new series of paranormal romance novellas. For the first time ever, all four tales in the Reborn series are collected in one book.

Dawn woke up drowning, inside a tank in a laboratory straight out of a science fiction movie. Blinded by amnesia, she has no choice but to trust in the alluring stranger who pulls her out of the tank, but Jake Maxwell knows more than he cares to admit. Now Redeo Biotech, the company responsible for Dawn's resurrection, is hunting them both.

As their passion for each other blossoms, Jake and Dawn must outwit their enemies and rediscover their past lives. But when their greatest foe rises from the ashes of ancient Egypt to destroy their future, only Jake and Dawn's eternal connection has the power to save them.

This collection includes the novellas Reborn to Die, Reborn to Burn, the award-winning Reborn to Avenge, and Reborn to Conquer.
How did you do research for your book? I've been fascinated with ancient Egypt for most of my life, so you could say I've been researching these stories for that long. I used much of my knowledge of Egyptian beliefs in these four novellas, as well as a bit of my knowledge of the ancient language. For specific scenes in the stories, I tracked down museum and archaeology websites that had re-creations of Egyptian palaces and temples and also showed the types of clothing the people back then wore.
Where do you get inspiration for your stories? I love to read about science, and articles about extremophiles (creatures that can survive extreme conditions) inspired the idea for Dawn's resurrection. Most of the inspiration, however, came out of my lifelong fascination with ancient history and also my love of old horror movies from the 1940s and 1950s. Those films had great atmosphere!
Do you have another profession besides writing? I'm a librarian with a master's degree in library science and currently own a cataloging services company.
Do you write every day? How many words can you accomplish? I aim to write every day, but sometimes other things have to take precedence. But I consider it a writing accomplishment even if I'm just whipping up a blog post or crafting tweets. Every word counts! When I'm free to write for an entire morning, I can easily rack up five thousand words.
Favorite meal? I love coconut shrimp and sweet potato fries. Not exactly healthy, but hey, sometimes you've got to have fun! I swear I eat healthy most of the time. Honestly. I really do.
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you? Hmm...That's a tough one! I have two five-month-old puppies who give me plenty of good laughs. The one furry girl makes the strangest noises when she wants a treat and I'd swear she can almost talk. In fact, my mom was trying to get her to say "food" one day, when all of a sudden the puppy let out a weird bark that sounded, for the life of me, like the doggy version of the word "food"! I laughed pretty hard at that one. Those puppies have inspired me to include two little canines a lot like them in an upcoming book.


PASSION NEVER DIES is available at a special price of $2.99.
(50% OFF the Regular Price of $5.99)
Offer ends Dec. 5,2016. Grab your copy today.

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Contest Date:
November 29 - December 5, 2016.

One lucky winner:
$10 Amazon Gift Card + PASSION NEVER DIES autographed paperback

Giveaway Graphic

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Get PASSION NEVER DIES today at a special price of $2.99.
(50% off the Regular Price)
Hurry! Offer ends Dec. 5, 2016.
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About Anna Durand


Anna Durand is an award-winning writer, a freelance librarian, and an audiobook addict. She specializes in steamy romances featuring spunky heroines and hunky heroes, in settings as diverse as modern Chicago and the fairy realm. Her romances have to date won eight awards and her novel Dangerous in a Kilt was chosen as Top Pick on The Romance Reviews. In her previous life as a librarian, she haunted the stacks of public libraries but never met any hot vampires hunting for magical books.

Visit the official website and blog of Anna Durand
Blog: Spunk & Hunks

Connect with Anna Durand on social media:
Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Google+ | Pinterest | Amazon

Tour Schedule

Join the book tour! Get more tidbits, excerpts and other info by visiting each tour stop in the schedule below.

November 29

Book Unleashed - Promo, Excerpt

Betwixt the Pages - Promo, Excerpt, Playlist

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium - Promo, Excerpt, Fun Facts

November 30

Cali Book Reviews - Promo, Character Interview

Nerdy Dirty & Flirty - Promo, Excerpt

December 1

The Romance Reviews - Excerpt, Fun Facts

Books,Dreams, Life - Promo, Excerpt

Book Crazy Scrapbook Mama - Promo, Excerpt, Interview

December 2

Book Lovers 4Ever - Promo, Excerpt

Diana's Book Reviews - Guest Post

Romancing the Books and More - Character Interview

December 3

Loves Great Reads - Promo, Interview

Reading Alley - Promo, Excerpt

Knotty Girl Reviews - Top Ten List

December 5

Pick A Genre Already - Promo, Excerpt

Life's Guilty Pleasures - Promo, Excerpt

In partnership with

Book Unleashed

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting me! Loved the interview questions.
