Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Book Tour and Giveaway: Rulers of Darkness Box Set by Amanda J. Greene

Paranormal Romance

Rulers of Darkness series Box Set Books 1,2, &3

Read 3 sizzling, dark, paranormal romance novels and fall in love with the Rulers of Darkness.

Passion can be lethal...

Caressed by Moonlight 

Dorian Vlakhos is no ordinary aristocrat. He is a vampire king, who will do anything to save his clan from complete annihilation, before an ancient curse can claim his immortal life. 
Penniless and orphaned, Victoria Kingston has nothing to bring to a marriage, yet she must shackle an unsuspecting gentleman into marriage by the end of the month or forfeit her rights as guardian of her younger sister. With the help of her dearest friend, Victoria begins her hunt, and vows to stay far away from the dark, mysterious, Dorian Vlakhos.
After meeting the beautifully innocent Miss Kingston, Dorian had to have her. He would do absolutely anything to make Victoria his. One sweet stolen kiss would bring them together while a force, more powerful than any vampire, would bind them for all eternity, but treachery, war, and death rule Dorian’s dark world and Victoria would be fortunate to survive. 

Caressed by Night
Dimitri Arsov, the last remaining pure vampire, was thought to be dead for the past four hundreds years. Now, he is back and has a score to settle with the traitor that had tried to kill him centuries ago. But as he waits for his prey to blindly step into his carefully laid trap, his overwhelming hunger for blood is triggered when he saves a beautiful art historian.

Kerstyn Ingmar’s life was normal and straight up boring until the night she is rescued by the dangerously sexy, powerfully mesmerizing, Dimitri. Unable to resist his diamond blue eyes and intense kisses, she is drawn into his world of darkness and closer to her impending doom.
While their desire consumes them, Dimitri is haunted by images of a bloody and deadly future. As his enemies draw near, he must find a way to save his mate from her destiny before fate destroys them both.

Caressed by a Crimson Moon 

Consumed by madness and tormented by dark memories of blood and death, Hadrian Lucretius, King of the Validus Clan, has returned after living in self-imposed exile for nearly three hundred and fifty years.

To maintain peace with the vampires, Eva Maldonado is offered as a sacrifice to the crazed vampire king by her father, the alpha of the Silveria Shifter Pack. Hadrian’s reputation is both legendary and lethal; he is ruthless, bloodthirsty, lusty, and soulless. When Eva arrives at the ancient fortress high in the Carpathian Mountains, she is shocked to find a ravaged man with dark burning eyes filled with loneliness and dangerous desire.

Would she be his lover…or his prey? His savior…or his victim? Would Hadrian lure her into madness or would their perilous passion be their redemption?


The cabin was in complete disarray. The fine hand carved desk was toppled on its side, the armchair before the window was upside down, paper acted as rugs on the floor, and deep claw marks marred the walls. Victoria traced the gouges with the tip of her finger.
            “What are you doing here?”
            Victoria reeled around to find her husband huddled in a corner, his knees to his chest with arms wrapped tightly about them. His eyes glowered up at her as his hair fell disheveled across his face.
            She slowly crossed the floor to stand just out of his reach knowing that if he wanted to grab her he easily could. She had witnessed his speed before.
“I didn’t summon you,” he said, his voice gruff.
“You tried.”
“Falcon saved you,” he snapped, his lips curling back over his teeth. “Why are you here?”
“I want to help you.”
“You want to help me?” He snorted. “Leave Victoria, I don’t want your help.”
            “But you need it,” she countered.
            He laughed, the sound was chilling, but she ignored it and began to unlace the ties of her robe.
“What are you doing?” he rasped, his eyes fixed on her hands at her breasts as she loosened her laces.
“Removing my robe.”
“Don't,” he begged on a whisper as the silk fell to a pile on the floor.         
“It is stifling in here.”
            Her lavender scent was overwhelming and the sound of her steady heartbeat was maddening. She had to go.
“Get out!”
“No,” she protested.
“You don’t know what you are…” his words stopped as her thoughts drifted through his mind. “Or perhaps you know exactly with what you are dealing. But,” in a flash he stood behind her, “can you handle it?”
“Yes.” She would not let him scare her off.
“No,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. “You can’t possibly know. My dear friend, Falcon, even leaves the room every time I change.”
“I want to help you, Dorian. Let me,” she pleaded, “I need to help you.” She wanted to scream the words. She had felt so useless the past two weeks. He was her husband and he needed her even though he would not admit it. Knowing he was in pain and being unable to aid him had been insufferable.
“I will kill you. Leave!”
            She did not move. He roared, snatching her by the shoulders, he spun her around and slammed her back against the wall, trapping her with his body. He held her arms over her head, his fingers like shackles about her wrists. His eyes burned black, his fangs stood long and prominent. His voice was low and hard. “Is this what you want to help?”
            She could not speak. Her voice was gone, vanished. He shook her.
“Answer me!” His black eyes captured and held hers as his grip tightened.
“Yes,” she squeaked.
            He snarled and spun away from her. She brought her hands down and began rubbing the pain away. Dorian sighed and ran his hands through his hair as desperate exasperation washed over him.
“What can I do to make you understand?” The question was directed to himself. In that brief moment, he was again the man she had married and not the vampire she’d just faced seconds before. But his eyes were still clouded black and those fangs still flashed. He looked so vulnerable and she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him.
He must have heard her thoughts for he turned his deadly gaze back to her and snapped, “I don’t want your pity. If that is why you are here, I suggest you leave before I throw you out.”
            His threat was empty she knew, his voice did not hold any menace and neither did his eyes. She shook her head stepping away from the wall.
“Then why do you insist on helping me?”
“Because I care for you,” she confessed. “And because it pains me to see you like this, suffering when there is no need.”
“No need?” he laughed. “I could kill you if I took your blood.” 
            Victoria shrugged. “You could, but I know you wouldn’t.”
            He took a threatening step toward her. “How can you be so sure?” he challenged.
“The man I married would never allow it.”
“If you hadn’t noticed,” he advanced again, “he is not here.”
“Maybe not,” she conceded, closing the remainder of the space between them. She brushed her fingers along his knuckles. “I want you, Dorian.”
            His eyes sparkled with devilish delight.
“Those are bold words, kitten,” Dorian warned.

Amanda J. Greene creates paranormal romance for ravenous readers. She lives in Southern California, where she enjoys escaping the rewarding but hectic world of writing by spending time in the sun and sand with her military husband and their two dogs.

Contact Information
Twitter: AmandaJGreene1

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